Mike Brown Talks About his First Ever KO Loss

Former WEC 145 pound champion Mike
A consummate professional, Brown makes no excuses for his loss and would like to get back on track immediately.
From MMAJunkie:
“I was training good. I just got hit with a shot. It’s never happened before, man. I’ve never been hurt. I bang every day in the gym, and I go hard when I spar every time. I’m bummed, man,” he said. “It’s the first time I’ve ever been knocked out.”
“I don’t want to take time off. I know I have to a little bit. But I’d like to fight on the next show. It just sucks, man. I got hit with one or two punches and got dropped, and they stopped the fight. Five seconds when you get your wits back, you’re fine.”
“I feel like it wasn’t even a fight, which sucks. I could fight today. But unfortunately, that’s not how it works.”
Since entering into the WEC, Mike Brown appeared to be almost unbeatable. With two victories over the most dominant featherweight ever, Urijah
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