As the media is anxiously waiting on James Toney to transition to MMA, another recognizable boxer, Ricardo Mayorga, is putting the final preparations on his bout with former UFC fighter, Din Thomas. The two combatants will face off at Shine Fights: Worlds Collide on May 15 in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Like Toney, Mayorga is highly skilled in the art of trash talking. Considering the fact that he’s entering a new sport, one would think Mayorga would try to stay humble. Not quite. A once lauded boxer, Mayorga has fought some of the best in the world. To him, Thomas will be a pushover.
“(Felix) Trinidad, (Shane) Mosely, (Oscar) De La Hoya – combined, they’ve had more than six belts. I’ve only lost to those big champs. But I’m not going to lose to a nobody.”
Famous for openly smoking while training, fans must wonder how seriously Mayorga is taking the situation. Street fights from his past are apparently all the experience he needs before venturing into MMA.
“I used to fight raw in the streets, brawling. They used to kick you in the face while you’re down on the ground. On the street, they hit you with shoes; they hit you with everything.”
Determined to make a point, Mayorga insists that he will not be scared of his new surroundings. In fact, he’s already thinking about bouncing back and forth between MMA and boxing.
“I’m not going to be running around the ring. I’m going to put up a good fight, and I’ll be back to boxing as well. After I beat Din, I’m going to call out (Floyd) Mayweather.”
Thomas comes into the fight with a wealth of experience. Although he doesn’t posses the pure striking abilities of Mayorga, the American Top Team fighter does have a more well rounded arsenal. Even so, Thomas has never been a champion in a major organization. For Mayorga, that’s proof that his opponent isn’t worth worrying about.
“He’s the most ridiculous one. Everybody that trains out of ATT is a several-time champion, and [Din] has never been a champion. He’s got a little pre-kindergarten belt. I’m going to be happy I got into MMA but not very happy because I beat Din Thomas, because he’s basically a nobody. I want a real champ.”
Shine Fights: Worlds Collide is available on pay-per-view.
(Source: MMA Junkie)
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