We can all admit Shaq was pretty impressive in his MMA debut in the Sega classic 'Shaq Fu'. Armed with his high flaming roundhouse kick and of course the Shaq-urikin (perhaps the most overpowered move in any game), he mowed through his enemies as he was trapped in the 'Second world' (amazing story line, Christopher Nolan take note). We all know about Big Daddy's desire to take on Big Asian Daddy Hong Man Choi and Light-Big Daddy Chuck Liddell. There's a video out there of Shaq testing his stand up on a cardboard cut-out of Chuck Liddell. After he eventually knocks it down, Shaq taunts the cardboard as if he was unaware that it was an inanimate object.
Surprise everyone. Shaq Disel is an unlockable character in UFC Undisputed 2010. We received an email today from someone who is very close to THQ and he gave us the Shaq code which we are giving to you guys free of charge.
Be sure to credit the site when you republish it on message boards today. Oh, who are we kidding. Feel free to steal it and not give us credit. Don't worry, we're used to it.
sorce: middleeasy.com
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